About Me

I am a Maître de Conférences (Associate Professor) at the Aix-Marseille University, in Marseille - France. I am associated with the Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique - LMA. My domains of research are experimental and computational solid mechanics and mechanical engineering. My work is to combine theoretical, computational and experimental methods to gain deeper insight into the non-linear behavior of materials and structures. The overall goal is exploit material and geometric non-linearities to design novel materials with tunable exceptional properties.

Please download my full curriculum vitae on pdf format.

Research Interests

  • Architectured materials;
  • Mechanics of printed composites (short/long and continuous fiber);
  • Rubber-like materials;
  • Shape memory alloys (NiTi);
  • Tools and Methods

  • Strain field measurements (2D/3D DIC - Digital Image Correlation);
  • Experimental mechanical tests (material and structure);
  • Numerical methods in computational mechanics;
  • Finite Element Method;
  • Mesh-less Methods (Element-free Galerkin Method);
  • Numerical estimation of effective properties using finite element method.
  • Publications

    For my citation indices and Co-authors, see Google Scholar


    [1] Machado G., Lahellec N., Maurel-Pantel A.
    FR3077265 - 2019-08-02 (BOPI 2019-31)


    [2] Machado G.
    A contribution to the study of induced anisotropy by Mullins effect in silicone rubber
    PhD thesis, Grenoble, France (2011). pdf, 19Mb

    [1] Machado G.
    Element-free Galerkin Method Applied on Polymeric Foams
    Master thesis, Florianopilis, Brazil (2006). manuscript (Portuguese BR), 5.28Mb or presentation (English), 9.25Mb

    Articles in peer-reviewed journals

    [12] Hadiouch S., Maresca M., Gigmes D., Machado G., Maurel-Pantel A., Frik S., Saunier J., Deniset-Besseau A., Yagoubi N., Michalek L., Barner-Kowollik C., Guillaneuf Y., Lefay C. (2021).
    A versatile and straightforward process to turn plastics into antibacterial materials
    Polymer Chemistry doi link

    [11] Stricher A., Rinaldi R. G., Machado G., Chagnon G., Favier D., Chazeau L., Ganachaud F. (2016).
    Light-Induced Bulk Architecturation of PDMS Membranes
    Macromolecular Materials and Engineering doi link

    [10] Breche Q., Chagnon G., Machado G., Nottelet B., Garric X., Girard E., Favier D. (2016).
    A non-linear viscoelastic model to describe the mechanical behavior's evolution of biodegradable polymers during hydrolytic degradation.
    Polymer Degradation and Stability, 131, 145-156. doi link

    [9] Machado G., Stricher A., Chagnon G., Favier D. (2017).
    Mechanical behavior of architectured photosensitive silicone membranes: experimental data and numerical analysis.
    Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures,24, 524-533 doi link

    [8] Breche Q., Chagnon G., Machado G., Girard E., Nottelet B., Garric X., Favier D. (2016).
    Mechanical behaviour’s evolution of a PLA-b-PEG-b-PLA triblock copolymer during hydrolytic degradation.
    Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 60, 288–300. doi link

    [7] Machado G., Louche H., Alonso T., Favier D. (2015)
    Superelastic cellular NiTi tube-based materials: Fabrication, experiments and modeling
    Materials & Design, 65(1), 212-220 doi link

    [6] Machado G., Chagnon G., and Favier D. (2014)
    Theory and identification of a constitutive model of induced anisotropy by the Mullins effect.
    Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 63(1), 29-39 doi link

    [5] Rebouah M., Machado G., Chagnon G., Favier D. (2013).
    Anisotropic Mullins stress softening of a deformed silicone holey plate.
    Mechanics Research Communications, 49(1), 36-43 doi link

    [4] Machado G., Chagnon G., and Favier D. (2012).
    Induced anisotropy by the Mullins effect in filled silicone rubber.
    Mechanics of Materials, 50(1), 70-80 doi link

    [3] Machado G., Favier D., and Chagnon G. (2012).
    Membrane Curvatures and Stress-strain Full Fields of Axisymmetric Bulge Tests from 3D-DIC Measurements. Theory and Validation on Virtual and Experimental results.
    Experimental Mechanics, 52(7), 865-880 doi link

    [2] Machado G., Alves M.K., Rossi R., Silva Jr. C.R.A. (2011).
    Numerical modeling of large strain behavior of polymeric crushable foams.
    Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35(3), 1271-1281 doi link

    [1] Machado G., Chagnon G., Favier D. (2010).
    Analysis of the isotropic models of the Mullins effect based on filled silicone rubber experimental results.
    Mechanics of Materials, 42(9), 841-851 doi link

    Journals with ranking

    SCImago Journal & Country Rank SCImago Journal & Country Rank SCImago Journal & Country Rank SCImago Journal & Country Rank SCImago Journal & Country Rank SCImago Journal & Country Rank SCImago Journal & Country Rank SCImago Journal & Country Rank SCImago Journal & Country Rank SCImago Journal & Country Rank SCImago Journal & Country Rank

    Articles in conference proceedings and abstracts


    [15] Chagnon G., Machado G., Rebouah M., Rey T. Favier D.
    Modeling of mechanical properties of silicone elastomers.
    10th International Workshop on Silicon-Based Polymers, Aussois, France 16-30 April 2015

    [14] Stricher A., Rinaldi R., Chazeau L, Ganachaud F., Chagnon, G., Machado G.
    Mechanically architectured membranes for biomedical applications
    10th International Workshop on Silicon-Based Polymers, Aussois, France 16-30 April 2015


    [13] Machado G., Chagnon G., Favier D.
    (2014) Multimaterials and Architectured Materials for Medical Applications
    Trilateral Symposium Architectured biomaterials, Medical and Tissue Engineering - French Embassy in Berlin, Berlin, Germany, December 2014 link

    [12] Machado G.
    Multimaterials and Architectured Materials for Medical Applications
    2nd International School on Architectured Materials - ARCHIMAT 2014, Autrans, France, May 2013, Invited speaker.
    (Special guests: Dave Embury (MacMaster University), Yves Bréchet (Grenoble University) and John Hutchinson (Harvard University) link


    [11] Machado G., Louche H., Favier D.(2013)
    Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation du comportement mécanique de matériaux architecturés en Nickel-Titane
    21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Bordeaux, France, August 2013, Oral presentation. link

    [10] Machado G., Louche H., Favier D., Liu Y. (2013)
    Experimental Characterization and Modeling of the Mechanical Behavior of Architectured Tube-Based NiTi Materials.
    Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies Conference and Exposition (SMST), Prague, Czech Republic, May 2013, Oral acceptance. link


    [9] Machado G., Rebouah M., Chagnon G., Favier D. (2012)
    Modelling of the Induced Anisotropy by Mullins Effect.
    8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Graz, Austria, July 2012 link

    [8] Favier D., Alonso T., Chagnon G., Delobelle V., Louche H., Machado G., Waltz L., Rio G., Liu Y., (2012).
    Mechanical behaviour of architectured NiTi materials in complex loading.
    4th International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, CIMTEC 2012, Montecatine Terme, Italy, Jun 2012, Invited paper. link


    [7] Machado G., Chagnon G., Favier D. (2011).
    From the experimental determination of stress-strain full fields during a bulge test thanks to 3D-DIC technique to the characterization of anisotropic Mullins effect.
    Constitutive Models for Rubber VII, S. Jerrams and N. Murphy (Editors),259-263.
    ISBN 978-0-415-68389-0 link


    [6] Machado G., Chagnon, G., Favier, D. (2009).
    Experimental observation of induced anisotropy of Mullins effect in particle reinforced silicone rubber.
    Constitutive Models for Rubber VI, G. Heinrich, M. Kaliske, A. Lion and S. Reese (Editors), 511-515.
    ISBN 978-0-203-86222-3 doi link


    [5] Machado G., Alves M.K., Al-Qureshi H.A., Rossi, R. (2007).
    Constitutive modeling of the large strain behavior of crushable foams using the element-free Galerkin method.
    Mechanics of Solids in Brazil 2007, M. Alves and H.S. da Costa Mattos (Editors) Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 161 – 172.
    ISBN 978-85-85769-30-7 pdf

    [4] Machado G., Alves M.K., Al-Qureshi H.A., Rossi R. (2007).
    An element free Galerkin method for the simulation of the finite deformation of polymeric foams.
    In: 19th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM), Brasília, Brazil.

    [3] Machado G., Al-Qureshi H.A., De Deus H.P., Alves M.K., Rossi R. (2007).
    A viscoplastic model for the finite strain response of crushable polymeric foams.
    In: 19th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM), Brasília, Brazil.


    [2] Paula C.F., Junior E.S., Liserre L., Machado G., Silva P.A. (2004).
    Cycle Reduction on the Wing Structural Analysis of Commercial Jets.
    In: XXXI Jornadas Sud-Americanas de Ingeniería Estructural, Mendoza, Argentine. 1-14. pdf (Portuguese BR)


    [1] Machado G., Chiarello, A.G. (2002).
    A Movement Simulation of a recumbent bicycle – Adequate transmission relations analysis.
    In: 5th SIMMEC – Simpósio Mineiro de Mecânica Computacional, Juiz de Fora, Brazil, 171-176. pdf


    ANR - SAMBA (Silicone Architectured Membranes for Biomedical Applications) 2012-2016

    This project takes its source in an array of works aiming at designing highly deformable anisotropic membranes for medical applications. The silicone rubbers are highly deformable biomaterials widely used by surgeons for their mechanical properties controlled by their crosslinking rate. In current medical applications, the properties of silicones are homogeneous and isotropic. In the present biomimetic approach, our researches aim to provide the clinician elastomeric membranes whose local properties can possibly be non-uniform and will be fully controlled during their elaboration, both in stiffness and anisotropy.
    Partners: IMP (Lyon)/ MATEIS (Lyon)

    Photosensitive bi-material bulge test.

    Experimental bulge test image obtained by 3D-DIC, superposed with the Green-Lagrange major principal strain field (meridional strain).

    Photosensitive bi-material bulge test finite elemet model.

    ANR - ANiM (Architectured Ni-Ti Materials) 2010-2014

    This project aims to develop a new category of innovative materials combining the intrinsic and novel properties of Nickel-Titanium shape memory alloys with purposely engineered topologies allowed by the notion of “architectured materials”. More specifically, we aim to create architectured materials constituted of NiTi wires and tubes. Using fibres cut from thin wires, we will create non-woven random 2D textiles, 3D blocks of low solid densities, and more complex designed architectures. With thin-wall tubes we will create regular cellular materials. To realise these unique structures we apply a range of innovative materials processing techniques, such as plasma sintering, electric resistance welding, diffusion brazing, and silicone elastomer infiltration.
    Owing to the versatility of their structures, these materials offer a range of novel properties that have not been available to date. Combining the unique strength of the material architectures and the novel properties of NiTi, this new category of “smart” materials is expected to have a strong impact in the existing shape memory alloy industry, by drastically enhancing their design capability and competitiveness.
    Partners: LMGC (Montpellier)/ SIMAP (Grenoble) / LARMUR (Rennes) / LIMATB (Lorient) / 3SR (Grenoble)

    Radial compression test of a single superelastic NiTi tube.

    Finite element results of square stacking and a hexagonal stacking using grooved platens. Equivalent Mises stress field. Undeformed configuration is superimposed by solid lines.

    Detail of unity tube showing the equivalent strain field for square and hexagonal stackings respectively. Welded zones (WZs) and transformation hinges (THs) are also indicated. The undeformed configuration is superimposed in gray.

    ANR - RAMMO (Eel-Like Robot with electric sense) 2007-2011

    This ANR Project aiming at the design, construction and control of a 3D eel-like robot with electrical sensing that is usually used by the electric fishes. The robot is composed of 12 vertebras connected through a rotation free joints. The whole robot is covered with a skin that is especially designed in order to avoid perforation due to the water pressure while allowing an easy swimming oriented ondulations. My role in this project is to design this skin, composed by a special silicone rubber material.
    Partners: IRCCyN (Nantes)/ GIPSA-LAB (Grenoble) / LMF (Nantes) / SUBATECH (Nantes) / UNIC (Paris) / 3SR (Grenoble)

    Student Projects

    These incredible projects showcase the level of talent of students from Licence professionnelle ETUDE ET MISE EN OEUVRE DES PRODUITS COMPOSITES and MASTER GÉNIE MÉCANIQUE at Mechanics Departement of Aix-Marseille University. See more in our YouTube chanel Aix Marseille Université Genie Mecanique


    phone: +33 (0)4 84 52 42 67
    email: machado@nulllma.cnrs-mrs.fr

    Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique CNRS - UPR 7051
    4 impasse Nikola Tesla
    CS 40006
    13453 Marseille Cedex 13